Revolution in 3D Printer Field

Revolution in 3D Printer Field

Have already visited 625010/30/2015

Recent years, in the rapid development of the 3D printer industry, more and more people know 3D printer. They have applied into many fields.


After these years development, the technology of 3D printer also more and more mature, but still face some problem. For example lose steps when printing. It is not only a problem of 3D printer, but also in other automatic industries, for example cnc router. This problem occurs due to use open loop stepper motor. For cnc, closed loop stepper motor are more and more popular, that solve the problem of lose steps, and save cost than using AC servo motor.


The same as 3D printer I think, closed loop stepper motor will be popular applied in this field. Because we now are not only just satisfied with using 3D printer to printing all the shapes, but also need it to print the shapes in precision. So closed loop system can fulfill this requirement. It can well solved the lose steps problem. It will be a revolution in 3D printer field. Actually some 3D printer manufacturers have applied closed loop stepper motor, but it is not widely applied. But I am sure it will be universal in the near future. It is a trend in the future development of 3D printer.


As I know most 3D printer are using nema 17 stepper motor, so our new products nema 17 closed loop system will have big market. 

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